Final Reflection

I was a part of the curating team for Ephemerence, managing and creating floor plans to coordinate artistic themes and produce a powerful audience journey. I used practical, logistical and problem-solving skills to help produce multimedia installations and other art pieces. I worked closely with artists to understand their concepts both thematically and practically. Understanding time... Continue Reading →


we had leaks in our house under the floor from sewage it's really stunk and made it quite hard to work lots of distractions. I found writing down and reiterating what my theme is really about has helped. I tried to draw visualisations of magnetism and the force is around it. I still really like... Continue Reading →


My concept for the piece is starting to mature and develop. Having gone back to read part of Leonardo da Vinci's notebook on movement and weight I have been thinking deeper around the concept of movement and how it relates to singular moments of reflection. Sublime moments. 'what is the cause of movement. what movement... Continue Reading →


I just got back from a holiday. I found this holiday very refreshing it felt like a well needed break. It gave my brain space to breathe and reflect on my project and my direction. I have come back really wanting to focus on the key aspects of the project and trying to communicate those... Continue Reading →


I've been quite ill recently this has affected my productivity. This is why there are not many posts from last week. I had a really good meeting with Rachel which was very encouraging. It helped me clarify my project the meaning and direction.


The project has been slow. I'm making progress in regards to linking the theme of migration with the data of migration and with the story and narrative of flowers. I think I have something meaningful here and something truthful.


The flower development has been going well I have made better models I have created a teachable machine model to tell whether it's a flower or the background. I now have more concrete ideas of the ascetics and how the piece might work but I still want to really push with experimenting with materials hopefully... Continue Reading →


I really have to go through Abas's story and create from it. It's very hard without feeling like I'm just copying.


I have interviewed Abas this week. This was unbelievably interesting. It was very informative on the whole process of migration. He did this migration 20 years ago but he has connections to the migration happening today, it's an experience that will never leave him. Key highlights were: him leaving home at the age of 14.... Continue Reading →


I have Created the boid piece this week. I feel it Really communicates the naturalistic movement of living animals and humans I might further use this in my project. I do feel like I need to Create more on the flower sellers tho.

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