
Having had another call with Abas. I had found a narrative I wanted to tell with the sound.

He stated that since it was long ago when he made the journey approximately 25 years ago. This meant I try to ask questions around the emotions he might have been feeling at certain times along the journey asking about specific events in key times like the time he was put in a detention centre in Greece for three months. Which he described as one of his favourite times on his journey because it was a constant place and almost tricked his mind into thinking that he had stability. So I wanted to communicate the change of states from being somewhere but also realising that being somewhere you are going to have to move to somewhere else. So I wanted to communicate the sense of movement and the size of spaces using left and right pan.

The tools I had at my disposal and resources are my girlfriend who plays the violin. The violin is something I want to implement as it is a great instrument for communicating highly emotional themes. My housemate who plays the piano which is the instrument I wanted to bring the more upbeat uplifting stable side of the track. Using GarageBand and logic to edit the track. I wanted the track to be around four minutes as I didn’t want it to be too long that people wouldn’t say for the whole thing. I also Took the number of flowers into consideration there are about nine flowers spawned every minute meaning over four minutes I would have at least 40 flowers which was a good number I found to fill the screen and give a sense of a lot of flowers.

Soundtracks which I took inspiration from were ‘palaces’ by Flume and Max Richter ‘on the nature of daylight’. I thought these mirrored my theme trying to communicate a lot so I tried to clued elements on both like the violin. The slides of the violin are essential.

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