p5.js flower update

I have improved the sketch a lot with automated scaling of the flower to make it increase and decrease in size. I have applied lerp motion and rotation to the flower. So it rotates towards the position on my wrist. The lerp makes the rotation smooth which is very effective and essential to the interaction. I have tried my movements affecting the height and other variables but found the piece gets quite messy and you don’t need that much interaction the rotation is very effective and relates to my idea of turning towards the light and flowers facing the light.

I’ve started to experiment with projectors and the angle of the WebCam. I find it a lovely effect to see the live movement of the flower connects with your wrists. I am using the left rest because you get a lot of range of motion but also it’s quite nice to have your right wrist and hand free to do other things like record a video or in my case edit.

I cant add multiple flowers to the scene without the performance collapsing so have made the decision to move over to three.js. There are issues with this such as never using it before. Posenet is not commonly used with three.js. I will overcome this by using a lot of tutorials. it doesn’t seem to be too different to p5.js. I think it will solve my problems around smooth movement and number of flowers. also based on what i can see online three.js has great graphics and the realism of the flowers could be drastically increased.

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